Credit Card Debt - Bankruptcy Or Debt Settlement, Which Makes More Financial Sense?

Are you really stressed out by the burden of credit card debt? Don't worry as many people are experiencing the same situation. Your dream to get rid of your debt completely is about to come true. This article will really help you out in getting you out from the pool of liabilities in minimum possible time. Bankruptcy and debt settlement are the two debt reduction remedies that are present in market. By reading the following material you will get the information that which method holds more positive aspects and which does not.

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Bankruptcy is considered as the traditional approach for bringing decline in the amount of debt, while on the other hand debt settlement is the newly established approach. The process of bankruptcy requires many legal tests and other official paper work while only a little bit legal documentation is involved in the case of debt settlement. The bankruptcy attorneys charge high amount of fees in return of their services due to which the process gets even more expensive. On the other hand the financial agents of settlement/negotiation companies charge a minimum amount only. They are liable for asking the fees after giving the services properly. Many risks are involved in the case of filing petition for bankruptcy. While the risk factor is not there in settlement deals. Bankruptcy brings bad impact on person's credit report, due to this impact he will not be able to borrow loans from banks for next several years. Though credit resolution also brings bad impact but this is only for a short period of time and once the person pays all the dues back, the impact will get washed away. New laws of bankruptcy are making this process more complicated and tough while these new rules and regulations are making the process of settlement more flexible and convenient.

In short it is correct to state that debt settlement is better option as compare to bankruptcy. Bankruptcy is more of like an emotional decision while settlement deals are the viable and authentic source for the elimination of debt. Even the lenders are also encouraging settlement option because in this way they get their money back easily.

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